Sunday, February 8, 2009

What to do with love (#9)

What to do with a love for a woman that I have been given is my dilemna for today. She does not feel the same for me but what I do with the gift I have for her needs a solution. I didn't put this feeling in my heart and I don't know how to get it out; if my heart has any chance to heal. I know that time always helps lessen the effects of emotional senses, however this sensation is overwhelming my ability to breathe. How powerful binds are that could tie us together. I am having some difficulty being objective about my situation but I am going to try because that seems to help me confront an answer. Let me be clear this is my problem and no one else's. It's an emotion within me brought about by my own observations and attractions. So therefore as much as I am lucky to have felt such a beautiful love for a woman my health has to be priority one and whatever course I take to allow myself to move on has to take two forms. First I need to find my ability to breathe properly and second all due care and respect for the subject of my love must be respected and protected. After all this all happened to her without her encouraging this in any way. Thanks for your reading this and maybe understanding why I will be doing what I must do for myself from here on out. Still the man of hope.


Anonymous said...

its too bad that this women is missing out on a loyal wonderful person, keep ypur hope going because somewhere out there is someone who will want all that love you have to give. We neednmore people who are willing to love .Good for you!!!!signed A

Man of Hope said...

Thank you for your nice sentiment. At a time when my heart is still hurting, a thought expressed in words helps me an unbelievable amount. I hope someday I could have a positive word for you just when you need it. Thanks