Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thunder and Lightning (#125)

What a night we had in Citrus Heights, California. A thunder and lightning show that was unique in that the sky was blanketed with clouds and didn't allow for any of the lightning bolts to be directly visible. We saw instead the clouds themselves light up brightly accompanied with the boom of the thunder. Since I could see no visible lightning bolts piercing down to the ground I went outside and marveled at nature's fury. What an awesome planet we live on. This planet gives us what we need to survive as a species and can very well take it away in the blink of an eye through it's incredible turbulent nature. It is mostly the reason I feel so compelled to live my life in the best possible form I can accomplish. We will never be guaranteed of another sunrise, we will never be guaranteed another day to start our lives in a most focused way to make ourselves and those around us happy. The frailty of life is omnipresent and should always serve as a reminder of what are the important priorities of our and everyone else's lives. This morning I can appreciate the pure luck of having been born into a country with a political system that promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as it's highest calling. Nowhere else on Earth are these values perpetuated with the solemn pledge to protect them with as much blood and treasure necessary to prevail. Nature brings her forces to bear as she dictates as well as we as a species need to bring our forces to bear to enrich society with the better and best virtues our humanity can envision. What a wild and wonderful world we are existing in.

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