Sunday, June 21, 2009

What the Future Holds (#142)

My thoughts occasionally entertain a view of what the future will be like for me. Being optimistic, I almost always see myself living in a better world then the one I am in today. When I say almost always it is because I am human and cannot constantly be eternally optimistic. There are rare times when my optimism is crushed and I feel the tremendous weight and deep hurt from it. Thankfully however, those times are rare and I have come to recognize that they will pass if I will only give things time. By the way, time really is the great healer. Maybe not in a perfect way but at least in a way that allows me to go on with my life without the constant reminders of disappointments. My future is a by-product or development of how I handle and adjust my present. Not all of the future is up to me, forces outside any decision I make will occur and usually do. However, my future, that is within my control, must for me be aimed at with a purpose and a plan. The quality of my life is almost always within my control. That is in the sense that I can control how and what I think and choose to act upon. The principles of ethics, morality, justice and honor are what I consider the foundations of a beautiful life. If I am able to combine these paradigms into a cohesive and compassionate set, working in a comprehensive way, decisions within my control can take on the meaning and action I aspire to have happen. I am not there yet, but I am hopeful that my desire to reach that combination of interactions of principles will continue to be a quest I am focused toward. The enlightened concept of ordering my thoughts and actions toward advancing my own presentation of myself to the world is worthy of all my effort. May I be so humble to achieve my future.

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