Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aspire to inspire (#211)

After watching the service for Ted Kennedy at the JFK Library, I was reminded once again about how to live my life. I have written on the impact JFK had on my young life and what an inspiration he was to my foundational core values. With Ted's passing, all the emotions of what The Kennedy's, John, Bobby and Ted, accomplished through their own personal will to make a difference in our lives came rushing back. However anyone views the political stances of this family one undeniable truth is that they found in service to our country a higher calling than just personal ambition for themselves. I know many who believe that everyone should be able to take care of themselves no matter what. That there should be no government "welfare" at all. Well, I am not one of those who thinks that Capitalism by itself is the answer. I am like the Kennedy's in the regard that some areas of life require and demand a system that is offered and protected as a right for our citizenry. The form of this system cannot stand alone as a capitalist venture, humanity and justice must be included. We, as citizens, are the government. We must root out the influences that would shape our policies and our destinies away from the practices that only benefit the few at the expense of the many and aim toward an egalitarian society based on Democracy and fueled by Capitalism. As a government established to protect it's citizens, broadening that scope out to not only protecting but insuring the health and education of our citizens seems a logical evolution of the principles established to create the American way. It is this that the Kennedy's represented to me and me who took this as their message. Strengthen our society by establishing fundamental rights in the area of health and education and by doing so only increase the opportunities to all of our citizens. A win-win situation.

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