Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day two hundred (#200)

Today is my two hundredth straight blog posting since I started on January 31st. Although not quite one everyday. I missed on day 3 and made up for it on day four with two postings. Either way this is still quite an accomplishment for me since I have had to try to keep my postings at a level worthy of someone else actually wanting to read it. I have been able, within a twenty-four hour cycle, to reconstitute my thinking to exhibit a growth of sorts from comfortable thought patterns to objective limited dissections of current events and philosophical points of view. With objectivity being my goal I have been somewhat successful but at other times my own personal code of principled thinking would or should not be everyone Else's standard. I don't advertise my thoughts as some order that must be followed by everyone, I just throw out there my take on a particular subject and hope that my take will be considered amongst others and hopefully help someone else to be able to form their own opinion. My only hope and desire for my blog is that in some one's life I have helped in some small way for them to be able to think for them self. Again I will say this, I don't want to tell you what to think I only wish to help you how to think for yourself. That is the greatest gift any of us can give to society, the ability to think for ourselves. To make our rationales for why we think and do for ourselves. Our individual persons have to be informed through possibilities and logical rationales, however the heart and gut of us often teach us that intuition and caring sometimes supercedes logic. Life is a tough road to navigate, but with effort it can be mostly an enjoyable and rewarding journey.

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