Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting a Mojo thing going (#202)

The Mojo is rising. The intricate balance between humans and nature requires us to understand nature. Nature does not have this obligation in return. We humans must find our balance with our planet and solar system in order to maintain a generally secure present and future. What I refer to as the Mojo is a blend of curiosity, common sense, intelligence and karma. There is one real concept that I find helps me keep my Mojo going and that is being sensitive to all the people, places and things that surround me. My Mojo is a good vibration within my soul and more physically, my gut. My Mojo does something else for me when I am in the sense of it and that is it keeps me happy and generally optimistic about everything within existence. I may seem like some kind of space-child or non-rational person, but I would argue that it is actually the reverse. That not keeping yourself in a Mojo state you are the one missing out on the harmony and balance that bonds us humans with the planet and universe we live in. The symbiotic relationship we share with our environment is best observed and "felt" when we can give ourselves to what is outside of our own self. More clearly, when we respect and give to others things which we could, there is a peace and sense of satisfaction that elevates our awareness to a level of close community with our surroundings. I will be visiting the "Ancient Ones", the Anasazi culture in a few weeks and I am basking in the thought of walking and touching things from these wise and peaceful ancestors. My Mojo is something that I strive particularly hard to maintain and grow in my spirit. May we all feel like our lives and our senses are worthy of being felt throughout the ripple of time in such a harmonic and karmic way. My goal is to keep my Mojo rising.

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