Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trust to Fate (#194)

I know that this venue is becoming less and less popular with folks because of Facebook and twitter and Myspace etc... but regardless I will continue to remain loyal to making a posting everyday. This post helps me clarify my thoughts and form new ideas about how I see the world on a day to day basis. Plus, anyone who cared to, would be able to read between the lines and get a real good idea about how my life is being lived and how I am doing on a consistent basis. Living with the emotions I have within me that I can do nothing about is maddening in a sense. My heart aches for someone but there is nothing more I can do except than to accept or trust my fate to my God. In the past I would have manipulated or alienated in order to get what I needed or wanted. Today, I just know how I feel and expressed it in a way that was genuine and vulnerable. The rest is not for me to intervene in, but to let the forces of time and circumstance dictate their outcome. I often think of an abbreviated quote from Wm. Shakespeare that goes like this "The whirligig of time..." Truly the whirl of time and circumstance with all of us practicing our free-will at the same time will tell the story of what happens only upon looking to the past as the record of it. Fate and destiny are a hope that will produce what they will, not necessarily what I will. I am prepared for reality with the honest conviction that forces beyond me know more about what recorded history will tell than anything I might try to make happen through the force of my will. I know this much though, what has been given to me inside my heart and my guts is not trivial and has a purpose. What that purpose is will be revealed either by me or by someone else. Good luck to us all.

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