Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life is not an examination (#214)

I don't get a grade for how I live my life. I don't study up or cheat to have a better score. Life is about living. When I see a set of principles, I don't memorize them, I practice them to ingrain them into my pattern of living. There is a natural flow to living and keeping myself within that flow is my goal. Too many times a reaction to events is stilted or awkward in appearance, it is because the truth of my actions aren't governed by the practice of honor. I am still learning the fundamental progression of incorporating principles into practice. At the time of this posting the confusion and non-discernible view of my progression is starting to come into focus. I will not rush myself, however I will not procrastinate either. I have come to know what I should be doing, as to living a principled life, late in life so there is no time to be intentionally wasting. The purpose of living a principled life is to be in a state of natural response in thought and action toward any and all circumstances with the higher or highest of human values for expression. My heart will be gladdened and my mind at peace if I can find the place where even my critique of myself has diminished to little or nothing. The joy of living is my goal, I won't attain that by going through the motions of appearing to be something that I'm not. My truth is not even near equal to what I want my truth to appear like. It is strange that I have control over what I can become but because of pressures from without, I at times choose to be something else. I am aware of this and am taking the steps to move away from what other's think and toward things my heart knows as true. Life is not an examination it is being who I am.

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