Sunday, November 22, 2009

Expression (#296)

How an important subject like expression has been ignored by me until now is inexcusable. lol. I am fortunate to be a firm believer in expression and hope to always keep my expressions up front and tactful. There are many ways for me to express myself and I often do it with actions. Occasionally I express myself through no action at all. It is mostly through natural and instinctual expressions that I am most obvious in my displays of expression. I am also aware of how others may perceive my expressions and at times I must be mindful of delicate situations that require me to be discreet. My mind is like an engine that never stops so it is important that I keep my hands on the levers of it's controls. lol. Stereotypes have been dominant in my early life and are now being dismantled as subjects of how I express myself. I am an unique individual who is not necessarily prone to being stereotypical. My reasoning on subjects or likes and dislikes do not follow simple acculturated behaviors nor do they allow for prejudice to be any part of my analytical calculations. As I continue to mature into the human being I am hoping to become I find that there is more of a naturalness to my reactions along the lines of my more matured nature. I am hopeful that my inner instinctual behavior will begin to closely match my new cognitive thoughts about how I wish to be. Expression will be the end result of my metamorphosis and will be who I want to be when I am being me.

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