Thursday, January 14, 2010

The best is yet to come (#349)

Everyday I sit down and write a blog posting for the last 350 days or so and I am truly privileged to come away from it with a sense of movement. I have been told that a growth in my understanding or description of understanding has been visible through my writings. If being more comfortable in what and how I write is an indication then I would agree. I feel a more comprehensive approach to subjects I am writing about. It is as if my growth in writing on subjects has matured or gained perspective as time has gone by. I only know this for sure and that is I love doing this daily posting. It helps me to visualize subjects that are in my head but not as organized until I put them to print. It is like almost everything in life, if we take the time to reason them out we come to see what the conclusion will be and then we can decide which decision we should make. It is just a good life practice to carry the logical extension of our actions out to a conclusion, in thought, before we actually do it or them. This blog of mine has helped me to sharpen my reasoning skills and my actions based upon those evaluations. The ability to analyze is learned, it is a skill that needs to be honed through practice, and gives us the better and best chances of having the best yet to come in our lives.

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