Thursday, January 7, 2010

I live my blessing (#342)

Seldom in my life have I been able to command my thoughts on a subject so dear to me. I know that my life is in my hands to live as I wish. I am responsible for how I act and react. It is up to me to decide which expression or emotion to present. The circumstances surrounding the events of my life are not under my control but how I am perceived and how I allow myself to feel is. I am the one who gets to analyze and reason the instances that make up my life. When I move from analyzing and reasoning into some form of action I have claimed that responsibility as my own. It is solely refreshing that today I have the wherewithal to understand how perfect my opportunities are to think ahead and show expressions that comport with the principles of human behavior that exemplify the better and best qualities of our species. William Shakespeare-"Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." Regardless the avenue, opportunities to present leadership on subjects that cry for it must be accepted. We all have the perfect opportunity, at times, to claim the mantle of giving direction that shows the mettle of our enduring code of honorable principles.

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