Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Milestone markers in our lives (#361)

Whether it is accomplishments of action or celebrations of time, we all have a sense of feeling special when a milestone has been recognized, even if only by ourselves. There is a loud or quiet exhileration upon completion of some time or task that has meaning to us. I am one who sets goals out in front of present time into the future. If at some time I find I have brought that future date into the present I am well convinced that I have been fortunate. Achieving goals is not in-of-itself the purpose, it is the marker I set and it does remind me that I have stayed true to what I had hoped to accomplish. Time will have it's way with us and we are only given some limited set amount of time up to now. Realizing this fact has capsulized my existence into what I most desire for it to be like. I have searched hard in my life and in the depths of my soul to determine what I want my life to look like to those living now and to those who would know of me some time into the future. There is also a quirk I live by; that the Universe somehow records our lives and intents as a God who knows everything about us. I live my life like the gift that it is and expect that the giver of the gift has an eye on me. This is my quirk and it helps me find my center when I become confused or mis-directed. By watching if any milestones are achieved in my life I receive a satisfaction of sorts in knowing that my life path is still on track.

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