Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The world doesn't owe us happiness (#340)

Being alive is the miracle, what we do with that is all on us. I am searching for personal happinesss. I wish for all to have happiness but I am only in charge of finding my own. I will try to make others happy as we cross paths and in general ways that are available to me. But to be a little selfish in this post I am concerned with my own happiness. How do I find happiness? I give of myself when giving of myself is needed. I spread good cheer as a normal event, not as a special occasion. I search this planet looking for someone who needs in a companion, lover and friend the same attractions and desires that I do. It is in the search for happiness that I have a chance of finding it. I do not expect happiness to show up at my door and announce it's arrival. It can happen that way but the odds are small. I know that happiness is a gift not a deserve. In my heart I have already found contentment in knowing that I am already happy because I choose to be. But in my heart I also know that a void exists, that I hope to replace it with a true love, a soulmate. I am fortunate that I am relentless in the quest to accomplish this because the truth is, the journey to find my true love keeps me motivated to find her. There is peace in that as well. When I do find her, she will know that all of my heart is hers forever. I will have told her that God is our witness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out there somewhere is th most blessed of women to find a catch like you, Keep up the good work you will find her or visa versa!!!!