Tuesday, March 2, 2010

As I stand on the Earth (#396)

I do stand straight and tall on the ground of my planet. I have a never-ending sense of desire to be a part of this world in the best way I can. It is different for me now than it was previously, in the way I look at how to live my life. I had no such idea that time would move this fast. Time has not physically moved fast but the time I have already spent on this planet seems to have moved very fast for me. I am not the person I was 5 years ago. I have become someone who is more in tune with the reality of the day to day living that exists, whereas I had not been so aware in my past. My behaviour and habits have changed as well, for the better I will add. Mortality is a key to why I am a different person today than before. I recognize the effects of living that, over time, have become readily apparent. If I am going to be the person I want to be, there must not be anymore procrastination on my part. To stand straight and tall on this planet I must surround myself with the good principles of humanity. I must incorporate them into my moment by moment thoughts and actions. I wish I had had this revelation years before and been further along in my quest, but that has not been the case. I am happy though that I have finally come to this realization and that I am doing something about it now.

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