Sunday, May 2, 2010

Courage as a practice (#457)

This is a topic I have never tried to define down to daily practice before. I am even interested in how I will write this. lol. Courage is a conscious and unconscious display through thought and action. It is the conscious action displaying courage that I want to discuss. I can be courageous through my decision-making process. Usually courage in this way is often difficult to near impossible to implement. Why? Because it usually involves me admitting that I have been a coward in some area of my life. Not easy for me to do. I like to think that I am strong with unbelievable knowledge about the motives of my actions. The truth is I am at the whim of my ego and I know that my ego is superficial and not grounded in the honorable principles of human aspirations. I am still just selfish when my ego is guiding me. I have to look at my actions with objectivity and humility. The key being humility, for that is the path that keeps me honest with myself. I and only I know the whole truth of myself outside a higher power. My mind is the vault of memories that remind me of the limited capabilities I have shown. I know when I did not stand up and defend the best of who we are. I know when I sunk to the depths of despair and gave into acts of pure selfishness and wanton disregard for the rights of others. When in the Bible, the words of serving others as the way to finding happiness, no better words could describe how I see my present and future. This is where I get to see courage in my life.

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