Monday, May 3, 2010

How we treat each other (#458)

I have recently come upon a circumstance that keeps repeating itself. Same person, different day, same unacceptable behaviour. Now it isn't my place to confront this person with ultimatums but I am at a point where something must be done. This is where I am different than from my past. I do not unilaterally try to correct every wrong I come across. Instead I try to reason with myself and others to gain a perspective that has good intent and consensus. There need be no rush to act in this circumstance and that is appropriate. However a decision must be made in that there are many who are being adversely affected by this one person's lack of discernment and selfish presentations. The good of the many will outweigh the hoped for good of this one. I do not feel well about having to do one unpleasant thing to avoid having to bear many unpleasant things. The time to come to an action is at hand after many attempts to ameliorate this person to the convention the rest of us honor. I will live with the unwell feeling that giving this person an ultimatum from the group will leave in me, but it is the right thing to do now. I am only saddened by the fact that we were never able to penetrate this person's core. Disappointment aside, the rest of ourselves will be better off when the misguided offerings of this person are not endured by those of us who wish to stick to the matter of our gatherings.

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