Thursday, May 6, 2010

We are all examples (#461)

Regardless of how we see ourselves others are watching. What we do matters. It all boils down to what is important to us. I have decided to be an example to others by reflecting back the honorable principles I hold dear. I am not always successful but I am determined to continue to try. My objectivity about reality helps me in knowing how to think and act. It is always important to respect all possibilities without exception. I am no rule maker or the master of creation, I am just an individual amongst billions of individuals either alive now or that have passed on before me. I do not get to tell anyone what is right or wrong when they are not harming themselves or others. I get to enjoy the air I breathe, the liquids I drink, the food I consume and the clothes I wear. Fundamentally, I get to define who I am and nothing more. It is well that I know what my life is about and how I want to live it. By being an example, I can let others know as well what is important to me. That is good enough. I have a lot of compassion for life and I want the best for all living beings. But what I want for life outside of me is not my domain. I can only try to be the best example possible and let others at least have a chance to see what I am doing.

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