Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Assumptions and expectations (#494)

I am getting better at not letting myself wallow in the misery that associates itself with assumption and expectation. The concept I have of not trying to predict or manipulate has begun to serve me well. I do not deserve anything. If something comes my way and it is appropriate for me to have it then I am well blessed by what fate has brought me. I am just in the stream of life doing the best I can with what I have. I am not under the spell of an illusion that leaves all things up to the unknown. I know that I have to work at and put action to the principles in my life that allow me to better become the man I want to become. I do not know what that future looks like but I don't need to know either. I just need to focus on what is directly in front of me. I need to stand up and defend what is right and good for all not just for me. By living this way I am giving existence the chance to use me to it's fullest and allows me to feel the purpose I have with full emotion and understanding. The key in life is to find what justifies our own individual experiences and putting them into action. It is a deeply defined struggle to know ourselves but once begun on the pathway it is the greatest of rewards. An inner peace and strength through being in harmony with life. I am blessed through the happenstance of discovery. Discovering what it is to be me.

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