Sunday, July 11, 2010

Faith not me (#527)

Another installment in the "Don't be afraid" series. I have difficulty explaining what I mean by faith not me. I live it more than I can explain it. I trust, yes, trust that my life will be full of adventure and satisfaction as long as I do not plan it. If I just be me and do the things that I know are right then my life will be fulfilling. Why do I trust? For the simple reason that when I get involved in the planning all my fears and doubts creep in. I dislike my fears and doubt and wish to not have them involved in my life. I still have fears and doubts but they are not part of me just living up to my potential as best I can. I trust the course of my life to destiny, fate or whatever description is necessary to explain serendipity or providence. Some may think I am abdicating my will to effect the course of my own life. I agree with this to a point. I am still living my life the way I wish, less mistakes, but I am not trying to plow the road in any particular direction. I am letting the road plow itself and following that path. It makes my life more constructive when I can focus on the things that I can control and gives me the confidence to be the best human being I can be. The best hope for me is to live in the present moment and no other moment. I have the ability to make quick decisions with awareness and clarity. Maybe, if I am lucky, at the end of my life, I will see how I have lived. In the meantime however, I am too busy just living to be able notice.

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