Thursday, July 29, 2010

I must push myself (#545)

Some days are better than others. Usually there is a steady flow to my daily living that is constant. However there are days when I feel I am pushing the rock uphill similar to King Sisyphus of Greek legend. I have to dig deep within me just to do the normal activities I usually do without giving any thought to it. It is a question of what my character is when faced with challenges. Where do I get the fortitude to push myself when it would be so comfortable to rest and delay things? From within my conscious soul. I learned from an early age the concept of perseverance and have incorporated it into my strategy for living. I am not always afforded the strong desire to implement my fortitude but when I am tired I still find a way to push forward. I do not claim any special recognition for doing what I should be doing but I do appreciate it when I can push myself to action when I can get by with not doing so. For me, it is important to present to others and myself a lifestyle based upon my strengths, not my weaknesses. The only way to be strong is by being strong, every moment of every day. For me to be the man I want to be is not only thinking it but doing it. Being accountable and, me, following through, intentions with actions, is all I know. Some days are easier than others and some days I have to work very hard to maintain the level of living I demand of my life.

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