Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I still have my hope (#571)

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you were willing to wait for it. That is how my hope works today. I keep the perspective that I don't deserve anything or that it won't change me if it ever comes to me. I am just happy that I have hope and the expectation that comes with it. It may never come to fruition but it is my hope and that makes me feel good. Everything is out of my control that is beyond me. But if I am ready for what I hope for to actually happen then It may just happen. If I give up hope and it happens, it may slip away from me because I am not ready to receive it. My hope is a gift to me. It makes me feel good inside. It is the greatest expectation I can experience. The value I place on what matters to me is indicative of the value I place on my principles for living. A hope is real. it may not be tangible but it has essence. It is a lot like my soul in that there is a constitution to it. My heart and my imagination are both linked inexorably to what I hope for. My hope is a culmination of how and what I see life can or could be. My hope is just as worthy to defend as any principle. My hope.

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