Saturday, August 21, 2010

The importance of having your own original thought (#568)

This post is in response to so many comments from all types of media that I read. Almost every time I read some point of view on a topic of current discussion, invariably someone uses a "quote" from some historical figure or some current figure using a "quote" from some historical figure. I imagine in the mind of the writer that the "quote" solidifies or fortifies the point they are trying to make. The problem that arises most often is that the "quote" ends up being the basis of the conclusion in the article. Yellow journalism is an idea of sensationalizing news content to help draw interest to it, therefore increase sales. It seems that finding a "quote" that will help promote one's point of view, of one's argument, is the current fad. I am less likely to believe anything I read that has some "quote" conveniently inserted to bolster claims. It is as if we quit thinking for ourselves and let others' thoughts think for us. We need to use our own original thought in context with what we are trying to communicate. Rarely does a "quote" have the same meaning when applied to different situations. Trying to shoehorn a "quote" into a point of view is shameless and devious. It tells me that for all the passion a writer may feel about a subject he/she is less informed about it and is using a shortcut to hide that fact. All of us should be creating our own "quotes" through the process of having a commanding knowledge of the subject matter we are trying to forward.

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