Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friends and family (#585)

Occasionally I just write something about what is on my mind that makes me happy. Today is one of those days. My heart is filled with good thoughts and memories of the people in my life that have kind words and real smiles. This is how I like to live today. I am a thoughtful and helpful person now and it reflects back to me in my relationships. I say now because previously I was much too selfish and did not make myself available to others when they truly had needs. For this I am remorseful. So in order to rectify my past behavior I have developed a behavior in the present that is less selfish and more selfless. Nice play on words but what do I mean by developed? I have done a lot of soul-searching, made myself become a part of a self-help program that I now love. I have committed my time and resources, such as they may be, to acknowledging my past mistakes and reaching out when the opportunity appears. I am still the same person I have always been but the difference is that I am now a benefit to others instead of a burden. What an uplifting and healthy life I get to lead today. I understand how short life can be and that the truly important things are the way I treat my family and friends. I get it now! It doesn't matter what happens as long as I am doing what is positive and helpful. My actions are a direct reflection of how I want and need to feel inside me.

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