Friday, September 10, 2010

I must get beyond myself (#588)

There are some magical things out there in the world just waiting for me to discover and be a part of. I need to participate in life on it's real terms. Although I have thoughts about what the vision could be for our humanity, I am still living here in the reality of what our humanity is now. But now is just a snapshot, then the present moves into the future. I can have an effect on the movement of the present into the future. This is where my vision of what life could be like comes into play. I just need to do my part. I must move beyond what I do for me and step into the spaces outside of my "routine". Nothing good ever just shows up at my doorstep without me having stepped outside my doorstep and mixed with other human beings. It is the living experiences that help us know each other. Experiences give us a real look at what is inside us. We can also see what is in others as well. A glance at someone tells us very little but an interaction with someone that involves thought and action gives us a better understanding of who someone is. It is easy to settle into predictable patterns of comfort. We all do it. That is fine at times and gives us time to rest and reflect. However, life really is short and not being out in life, taking in the new and different nuances of how it is being lived, does little to increase our appreciation for all that life has to offer. This is a one time deal here folks, so don't let time slip away and the regrets mount over missed opportunities to mix and mingle in what life we have left to live. As we all should know, life is no guarantee.

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