Friday, October 1, 2010

Is there other life in the Universe? (#609)

It would appear more likely with the discovery of a planet that is similar to Earth, Gliese 581g in the Libra constellation about 20 light years away. It has the necessary similarities to Earth to offer the possibility that it would be able to sustain life. We do not know this of course but the indicators are hopeful. What does this discovery mean? In essence it tells us that our planet Earth is not as unique as some would believe it to be. If another celestial body exists that has qualities that could allow for human habitation, then the concept of some type of organic growth on the Gliese 581g increases in probability. I tend to think in terms of our own planet as the boundary of what is in the Universe, but with this discovery the concept of life beyond us has now gained some credence with me. I have always known that it was possible for other life forms to exist, since I had no understanding of the nature of our Universe, but now my curiosity is piqued to another level of imagination. The last great frontier of the human evolution of knowledge is to be played out in the outer spaces of our Universe. I am excited and intrigued by this discovery. The human instinct to want to know is going full bore inside me and is ready for more information. Possibly our space telescopes can give further indications as to how this planet may be sustaining, if any, life forms. It is being able to think bigger and out beyond my own known knowledge that is so inspiring to me. This little discovery just expanded my way of thinking exponentially. What a gift this little discovery has become. The pure magic of life and the possibilities for more have captured me utterly.

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