Thursday, November 4, 2010

Every action matters (#643)

This post is not about the actions we take per se, it is about the reasons for the actions. Why do we do what we do. I am somewhat lost as to the actions of some that are in direct conflict with their own best interest. Certainly there are noble deeds done to thwart some great evil, but when that is not the issue why would anyone do what would harm themselves the most? What exists within us that makes us hurt ourselves without a tangible or logical explanation as to why? The subtlety of confusion can explain some of it but for the most part understanding our needs is simplistic in our own personal lives. Most decisions we make in life have to do with improving our lives and the lives around us. For some decisions to go the opposite way is an anomaly that I am less understanding of. Personally, I have done things to spite others even if it meant to spite myself. That of course is childish and immature. Most people I would assume who have great responsibilities cannot afford the luxury of less mature behavior. The pull and sway of acceptance and the illusion of intelligence may have some part in how and why we engage in actions that either serve our purposes or completely make obsolete our purpose or intent. But the greater majority of those who would feel some satisfaction in an action they committed, even though the action was to their detriment, remains mostly confusing to me. I do not know why those who's actions are detrimental to themselves occur. I am trying to understand why this happens. In my own life I listen to many perspectives and evaluate them with mine, sometimes my perspective gains in some areas but not to the point of taking an action that limits my existence by choice.

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