Thursday, November 25, 2010

The fullness of ourselves (#664)

Whether it be turkey, potatoes and gravy, cranberries, pumpkin pie or our egos, moderation is the key. Today we celebrate a holiday that features the gratitude for bountiful harvests. Although a secular holiday, it does incorporate the concept of offering up a thanks to some higher power for our blessings. In America, we are fortunate that the overall moderate climate allows us to produce food harvests in plentiful amounts. Our nation has the capability to feed not only our own population but other countries' populations as well. Although the dysfunctionality of our society keeps many of our citizens in a state of hunger, opportunities to receive meals on this day are abundant. The history of our country, albeit somewhat painful and controversial, has led us to this moment in time where most of the world looks to us for action and direction. This position of leadership has dire responsibilities attached. Nothing but the best of our intentions should be forwarded lest the impression that we are not interested in others' welfare, even in our own overall welfare, be concluded. Our egos must never reach the point where we see only the dictates of our perceptions as the only justifiable course. We should not let ourselves be full of ourselves. No one has figured out how live in the most perfect way. Because of the benefits and sacrifices American society has provided to the world, in no way should that make us think we are better or more intelligent than other non-Americans. We may be further along in a lot of technological ingenuity, but in social and moral areas we are not superior to any great degree. Our current society has to reflect what is best about our evolution and we have a ways to go on that yet. Eat moderately today and think with a thankful heart for our blessings.

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