Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Logic and emotion (#662)

I can have both. Being sensitive to the emotional reactions I have and logically understanding practical reality are not two mutually exclusive paradigms. I can have both. I am a complex organism, capable of distinguishing between the vibrancy of emotion and how it effects logical decision making. Often we are told not to make decisions in the heat of the moment for that the decisions will more than likely tend to please some primal pleasure than advance an objective reasoned outcome. Of course, I know this can be true due to my own experiences. Like anything however, I learn and assimilate new ways of solving problems as I move through life. Using emotional sensitivities to motivate and/or encourage passion are two ways I have evolved beyond the simple illogic of rash decision making. I understand that the emotion I am sensitive to is but one ingredient in who and what I am. Emotion eminates from within me, that I know. Whatever comes from within me has my instinct and expectation as a driving force. Again I know this about myself. I am a greater entity than just my emotion. I am also curious about knowledge and how it is logically applied. The curious instinct that I have is also within me and is driven by my need to know. I am two halves of the same whole. As such my nature is to experience both my emotion and my thoughts. Not both as the same but both at the same time, equally shared with equal relevance. Not giving one more consideration without giving the other equal consideration. I may suffer the consequences of being emotionally logical, but I do not get to predetermine outcomes based on one or the other. I get to experience outcomes based on both, whatever that destiny may be.

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