Saturday, November 6, 2010

My mind and my heart (#645)

As long as I am alive I will have these two entities at my command. I will not give them to anyone whom I choose not to. I say this because society has a way of taking from me the things I wish only to keep. My mind and my heart are the two things that make life worth living. It seems that society demands from me certain loyalties which coerce from me the control of whom I love and what I think about. It is rather amusing to me the seriousness of conviction, with which others place boundaries at and around how I should think and feel. It is a manipulation based on some concept with a purpose. I did not say the concept with a purpose is a principled ideal, just that an entity wants specific results. The free-thinking of my mind and the free spirit of my soul would never allow me to be entrapped in circumstances or situations that would allow me to compromise my  mind and heart. Some things in life are not worth the exchange. My attitude, to me is refreshing, in that others would and do tell me that powers beyond their control need to dictate compromise in their life. I am well with the sacrifice that others make to remain in the situations they allow for themselves, however I am not of that type. I will not allow politics or economics to sway my ideals toward any situation not conducive to my protecting the two gifts of life I have, my mind and my heart. The selling off of my heart or mind to placate anyone for a benefit derived screams of lack of conviction or effort to protect my reason to live. I will not construct walls around myself for the sake of an illusory benefit. Courage to be me is my hope and it is attained by not giving in to the powers that would take my courage and discard it.

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