Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An individual and communal destiny for us all. (#705)

We have a chance to have both when we become members of a society. It is quite refreshing to know that in society, both the individual is encouraged to grow and mature as well as the society of all the included individuals. The foundation for living is there for us to build upon. We must continue to include all of us and give ourselves opportunities to learn and become more informed to the realities of our current existence. there is much to learn about our world and ourselves. It is as if we have this duality to live concurrently in the present. We can do both at the same time, and actually we need to do both as it gives us perspective, one toward the other. My individual self is defined by my thoughts and actions that I deem my truths. When I use the same standard in the communal sense I find that my truths are not necessarily the same for others and I am forced to examine my motives. It is a real give and take to establish who I am and what I want for our society. It is my right and obligation though to follow through on both, certainly to respect myself and allow respect for others. I can ascertain some form of how life should be lived by the options that have been struggled for throughout our history. Creating the structure for individuals and societies to form and progress without much opposition from without. Understanding the importance of communication we should have with each other. Society is necessary, we cannot live without each other. As knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation so should our priorities be as well. Even better is the opportunity we have to help all of ourselves become greater educated and therefore greater citizens both individually and communally.

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