Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Listening to my intuition (#725)

What is my intuition? For me it is a combination of things, gut instinct, common sense and my inner voice. A combination of these measured with a dose of logic seems to best describe what intuition is for me. I am still a little confused about the process or trigger of intuition but obviously it comes as a response to some form of stimuli. Whether the stimuli presents itself in the form of an action or an expressed thought, my intuition calls me to alert, as a sentinel ready to challenge some perceived anomaly. Some intuitions I receive are good and some are not. It really depends on my state of mind as well as the stimuli. What has not been obvious to me before is the need to understand when my intuition is calling me to pay attention. I often dismissed it as nothing of importance. I bought into the concept of the five senses and little more. Now I see that intuition-like occurrences have meaning and relevance. There is a core within me that acts as some sort of fail-safe or safeguard in order to help preserve my life and my thoughts about life. It is interesting that it has just now occurred to me that my intuition has a link to my survival instinct. I have often wondered about the survival instinct and what exactly it's role is in my life. Obviously it is to help keep me alive but now I sense it also serves to guide me in areas other than just my basic existence. It is not often I get a revelation on something profound when I am writing about it but this is one of those times. As I continue to try to shoehorn survival instinct into my two models of human nature, compassion and curiosity, I have now another consideration, are there really three instincts of human nature instead of two with the subset of survival shared by compassion and curiosity. Perhaps my confusion about the trigger of intuition is more revealing than I understood.

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