Monday, January 10, 2011

My own temptations (#710)

My word I am only a human! I have the same desires and sensations that everyone else has. As I struggle to tame the wild that is within me I also recognize that the wild needs to exist. I am human and as such have within me instinctual characteristics. I need to survive. What is it that makes me need to survive? A will to live or some other definition of wanting life to the greatest degree? An impetus began before I was born that allowed me the struggle to be born. Life is not always fair or kind and being born is just the first part of the struggle to live. Nurture is needed and a sense of understanding, at least enough to allow me not to fall into deadly traps. I have within me a temperament that if left unattended would have me howling at the moon as if a lucid mind was the last thing I ever had. It is those impulses or instincts of the body and lesser of mind that I am responsible for containing and eventually funneling into positive and constructive thoughts and actions. It is my responsibility to understand my nature and adapt it to a mature set of principles. My first thought at times is still reactionary instead of thoughtful and enlightened. My core principles for living revolve around the universe of virtuousness. It may seem naively gallant or old school to want to be a civil gentleman, but it works for me. When I put the better and best out in front of me as a goal, it seems to assuage the human instincts that would be my enemy within. Whatever anyone has to do to make themselves into a better self is the goal. I hold no distinction as to any process along as it harms no one in it's application. For me trying to be virtuous in all my moments of life, trying being the operative verb, helps create within me a template for responding to any stimuli. I have and always will be my own worst enemy, but with principles of virtue to help guide me, I am also becoming my own best friend.

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