Thursday, January 20, 2011

A new society (#720)

I am sure to be opening a can of worms with this post but I must remain true to what is in my mind on a day to day basis. I see a society where we are not under pressure. Bold statement, but necessarily needed. Some pressure at times is necessary to advance initiatives and I understand that. What I am talking about are the day to day pressures which keep us from attending to all the important things going on in our lives. The way things are set up now we are under tremendous economic responsibilities which absorb most all of our energies to maintain. This of course leaves little time for family obligations and personal growth, let alone recreational time to admire the world we live in. Our society is out of whack in assigning most of our energies at economic issues compared to environmental, recreational and academic genre's. Our lives are gobbled up by our work. Certainly, not all of us are prone to the difficulties experienced in surviving a decent lifestyle. Some, few actually are in a position of having no economic pressures at all. The point being if the wealthiest of us realize that economic pressure is not a high priority value, why do most of the rest of us have to have it in our lives? The ethic of hard work has been promoted as a value and I agree that when work is being done it should be done with great effort and efficiency. My problem is that it shouldn't be such a consistent requirement on most of us. There needs to be a formula that offers work but not at the expense of dominating all of one's life. I have been very careful not to judge the system we employ now since progress toward a better world seems to move slowly. I do want it to be known though that the pace of progressing into a paradigm of a more balanced living experience has always been up to us, whom would want better, sooner than later.

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