Sunday, January 23, 2011

We are all the same (#723)

We start out that way and our minds have the same capacities for learning and creating. The differences come when we are raised up in our different environments. It is rather obvious that a child born into poverty will have little hope of having the opportunities of a child born into affluence. Is there anyone out there that would disagree with my statement? Hearing none, I will continue. lol. The health of all new born children is critical to our species development and advancement as well. It would be far more advantageous for poor children to at least have a healthy start and a chance to learn like children of wealth. I don't need to be wealthy to have a healthy mind to learn with, but I do need to be healthy. That a child is born into wealth and a child is born into poverty is a non-selective process as far as we know. What I am trying to say is that before the children are born they don't get to choose where and to whom they will be born. Having them start out on somewhat of an equal basis, despite the nature of our economic system, is what we should all be striving for. The future of our species is what is at stake. We can take pride in the fact that our country has endured, over time through blood and sweat, to achieve a society that can call for the honorable and noble principles of equality and freedom from the yoke of oppression, as our motto. Our rallying cry that symbolizes the respect and dignity every human should have when living on the face of this planet we call Earth. This generation right now has the opportunity to turn the world on it's head with a vigilant adherence to these principles. I hope we take the challenge, otherwise our shirking will only leave it for some future generation to struggle for it's attainment.

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