Thursday, February 10, 2011

The existence of a God? (#741)

It is obviously difficult to prove the existence of something that has no physical manifestation of itself. If there was some way to apply any of the five senses to proving the existence of God I do not know of it. In light of no physical proof, we are only left with intellectual and emotional arguments to theorize. The prevailing argument is that God does exist and that faith is what is needed to experience Gods presence. A process of believing that God is real in a way that cannot be physically proven. This reveals that within us there is a need to understand what our world is and how we are a part within it. We are more than logical beings we also have a sense of spirituality to us that requires us to have some type of connection to the past and the future through something. That something being a force within and without the universe that makes all of this have a logic to it. See, our logic does dominate our thinking but it is not the only paradigm that we hold dear. We feel our emotions and clearly they come from something within us. Logic has a hard time explaining the genesis of emotion from intellectualism, yet a spiritual connection to the comfort and peace of our lives can be felt. Does this spiritualism come from a God? Possibly. Does it come inherent within our natures? Possibly. Do occasions of serendipity or coincidence really translate to providence? Possibly. Yet the knowing of anything physically concrete about a God continues to make the question of whether there is a God uncertain. It has been and will remain my position that the right to believe in a God or not is up to each individual. Life is hard enough and if believing that a God is in our corner supporting us allows us the ability to face each day with confidence and hope then who would say that is not right. It is also the same for those who need no belief in a God to face each day with confidence and hope. Either way, no physical proof can be established to deny the existence of God or to prove that God does exist.

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