Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The great disquieting (#733)

We all have a voice! Everyone of us. It is our right by nature that we are equipped with our senses to be used at each of our pleasures within the limited constraints of society. It is all of our duty to make sure that all of our voices are given the opportunity to speak. It is only opportunity I claim, nothing more. Some may chose the path of silence as their statement and as such have chosen not to express through voice. Up until this point in our human evolution we have struggled and continue to struggle to define the structure for a society that has all of the concerns of it's citizens at heart. We have been given models of structure to advance and live within but the reality of such attempts always comes up short, thus the disquieting. If we are to overcome the disquieting and find peace with rest, we must not stop evolving into a more enlightened species. The progress necessary requires us to face our inabilities with renewed vigor to improve. We must be clear and focused on the logic and common sense of our approach to change and how it affects our current manners of existence. We are the reason for improvement, who would stand in our way except ourselves? Motives for keeping ineffective status quos can be conspiratorially and fear-based driven. Why should that be a surprise to anyone, the ideal of boldness and courage to change to better has been elusive to us for most of our history. We have it within us but it is difficult to bring our determined will to better ourselves to the forefront of our actions. Some show it and remind us that change is inevitable and the direction we take to get there can be uplifting and freeing. Our spirits clamor against the things that shackle us and eventually we will shake free from those limitations. 

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