Friday, March 4, 2011

The battle for the human identity (#763)

We are fighting amongst ourselves to establish our future. There is no other player or force involved in this battle outside of ourselves. Instead of all of us looking inward at the best of who we are with a view toward being even better; many of us choose to look at the world and the illusions it offers for satisfying some concept of how life should be lived, the basis for which is not on our similarities but segregating us through our differences. If you had any thought to why I have chosen to amplify my blog on the concept of what human nature is, you hopefully will conclude it is because I have to start at who we are before I can describe how we should be. "In the beginning", such a powerful imagery. Yet it is in the beginning of the history of human civilization that reminds us we can do better, if we can survive first ourselves and then anything nature may throw at us, it will be that we were able to recognize and correct our mistakes. It is this surviving ourselves that is my focal point today. Somehow our actions in the beginning were "unfortunate" in our struggle to survive. We used tactics that are cruel and inhuman to advance ourselves through time that are less than honorable yet somehow acceptable through illogical reason or excuse. To the Universe in general, I do apologize for our species and our inability to rise up to our better natures. It is not my place to accept blame alone, but it is all of our place to apologize together. No one of us is greater or lesser than another. It is our privilege and honor to be different but not in the truest sense of life, but in the less significant ways which help us define our own destinies. The sooner all of us can understand our equal place in this existence the greater chance we have of then reflecting out our best instincts. All in the hopes of giving us satisfaction within our souls and a real opportunity to combat what is left out there in the greater unknown.

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