Monday, March 14, 2011

A startling event (#773)

I was fortunate to be in an automobile accident early this morning and I have been blessed to feel the effects of it. Yes, lemons out of lemonade! I am alive and grateful for that fact. Once again I am reminded that life is sacred and the loss of it is not to be allowed if at all possible. I feel the effect of the accident and for that I am grateful. One minute here and the next, gone! I realize the fragility we all share and taking things for granted is an attitude easily obtained. This type of instantaneous event opens my eyes once again to how disconnected I get to the pure pleasure of being alive. That moment when the knowledge that nothing I can do will change the outcome of something outside my control is the one place I need to remember how it feels. The feeling was anticipation. No thought, nothing but what is happening in slow motion all around me. I can say this with some certainty, the fear was not the controlling emotion. I have somehow passed into a plane of living where acceptance of what happens outside my control is natural regardless of the circumstance. Don't get me wrong, I did everything within that moment to secure myself in as safe a way as possible but the knowledge that I had no control, and was just a visitor to my own mortality, became abundantly clear. From the earthquakes in Japan to Haiti, we are just ornaments on this planet, here to decorate the dynamic of the inanimate nature of existence. We are the anomaly here, us and our fellow animals and other living creatures. Again, I am determined to advocate from the limits of my reason for the best of what we humans are capable of for the simple reason that what we do today can influence and make the future better for our children. This post makes sense to me but I have been up for two days and I feel a little less than sharp. lol.


howeyeseeit said...

All illusion removed...good post!

Loiteringatmidnight said...

Good post Carl. I doubt I felt as well after my last car accident, or as optimistic.