Saturday, March 12, 2011

There aren't any deserves (#771)

Tell me, do you have the time to fight for what is right in your and others' lives? Because if you don't have the time to fight what you get may very well be what you don't want. Do not assume that the right thing will happen whether or not you participate in it. Change is brought about through struggle. There is no other natural course for change to happen, outside of devastation through our wills or through mother natures. What I mean by "there are no deserves" can best be understood in the context of the movie "Unforgiven". When Little Bill, (Gene Hackman) is lying on the floor with Will Money, (Clint Eastwood), standing over him with his rifle pointed down on him. Little Bill says incredulously, "I don't deserve this" and Will money says, "there ain't no deserves", and then proceeds to shoot him to death. "There ain't no deserves", is mostly true, none of us deserve anything except basic human rights. In Little Bills case he thought he was above the law because of his sense of what justice was. The only sense of what anything is must be based on the idea that we all share in it. None of us get to make the rules greater for ourselves than anyone else. As we are not allowed to add extra for ourselves we are also punished for not standing and defending our own rights. When we abdicate our thinking and actions over to others because we are not prepared to stand for our own principles, we then actually get less than what we deserve. Everything in life must be fought for with an intensity equivalent to our principles. I know this post may seem a bit confusing since I am not feeling it's free flow but the essential point remains, nothing for something equals something else. We have to put value to the changes we wish to see, otherwise they will likely become changes we had not hoped for. "What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: 'tis dearness only that gives everything its value".-Thomas Paine (The American Crisis)

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