Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My memories and their hope (#816)

I get to have memories. Just thinking about having memories makes me realize that I am who I am because of them. Can you imagine being a human without having any memories? I am not sure I could be human, at least not like I am today. This is what happens occasionally, I think of a topic and begin to type and the wildest thoughts begin to enter my head. Memories have a significance with me since they allow me to remember the simpler time of my youth. That is where I like to go with my memories. Why? It is because those were the formative times in my life and remind me of how I started out on the path I am currently on. Back before I was confused with the complexities that came afterward, I was seeing a world with bright possibilities, without any cynicism. Everything was possible. I still feel that way now after having been blinded to that for much of my middle years. I have come back full circle to where I was when my innocence still was my outlook. I have pretty much chewed up 39 years playing in the wind with no direction, except my own satisfactions. But a wonderful thing happened to me. Through circumstances of situations I have been allowed another chance of living my life like the idealist and optimist I had always been meant to be. I am still a work in progress on that front but I am heading down that path with an eager confidence. I owe it all to my memories and what they have reminded me. I have and will remain a proponent of the contention that we are all born into this existence innocent. It is only through family situations and inculturation that we lose our innocence and become something less than that. I am fortunate to realize this scenario and now have taken time to remember what it is that is good about me and begin to live that instead of what selfish thing I can do for myself.

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