Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why should I care? (#810)

When I first started this blog, my title was "why should I care?". It is interesting to me that this is the first time this question is to become a post title. I have been meditating about this, this morning and how I feel and this is what has made itself known to me. For the record, mostly this is how I choose my post titles and subject matter. I meditate and then something will overwhelm me or become clear as a subject. Why should I care? First, it is because, I do! My nature is to care and care I will. I have fought long and hard against who I am and I am done fighting against myself. Life, things and places have a connection with me, therefore, that I give them the due they allow me is a necessity for me. The rest is up to me and I am up to the task. I just care! I suppose it is my emotional state rising up and making itself duly noticed by me. That is okay, especially since the caring of things has a true sense to me. I am fulfilling the nature within me when I care. In other words, in answer to the title question, I have to, it is who I am. Second, being who I am is not up for debate any longer. Like, do I be me or do I be someone or something else! No more debate, I will be me with all that goes with being me. It is the truth of who I am and that will be my legacy. I have never been so peaceful about letting myself express the things that make up who I am. Of course, I will always be mostly respectful, I am only human, wherever, and whenever possible, to others' points of view. I demand my own individual perspective to be respected as well as I should demand that I respect others' perspectives as well. Life is so much more enjoyable now that I have understood what I should be doing with my own. I let myself experience the circumstances around me with both eyes facing toward caring about what is happening. Then I think, act or react accordingly.

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