Saturday, June 11, 2011

A vision of our future (#862)

I listen to a lot of people talk about current policies they like or don't like and how we would be much better off if one thing happened or another. The world is full of ideas about what to do or not to do next. What I don't hear is the reason for their thinking the way that they do. Sometimes I wonder if that is a secret they wish not to share or that they have no vision of what our society in the ideal should look like. Regardless, I hear little to nothing on the end result just a lot about the means to get somewhere to get somewhere else without a destination. I know life is about change but to just change without having a destination is like a dog chasing it's tail, lots of action but no result. Is it that hard to know what our visions of what our future would like? Why is that we can only describe what we think is right in terms of what is right in front of our faces instead of what is down the road a piece. Again, I suppose it is either that we are not wanting others to know the difficulties associated with our policies and the form they will become or that we have no clue and are doing only that which we have been programmed to think about how life in the immediate should be. I am one of those "long-view" types and the policies I hope we employ, will help to bring my hope around. Sometimes it is a simple as always doing the right and kind thing, you know, being helpful, being as selfless as possible, smiling at everyone with a genuine wish that it brightens their day. You know the things that we can do that no one else can stop us from doing. But just as important as those things is having a view of what our society should mean and present to all the new generations that follow us. I cannot go into much more detail here about that but in the next few blog posts I will try to present my vision of what we the human species should reflect back out to all the Universe.

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