Saturday, July 2, 2011

I demand more from life (#883)

Things must change so that living to survive isn't our only reality. This current overall existence we are part of needs to be changed so that life has more meaning and discovery. Are we to bind ourselves to a philosophy of economic survival as the main destiny for our lives? Is this form of society that worships at the feet of consumerism all we can expect? Somewhere back in our history decisions were made that got us on this course of structured civilization with consumerism as it's prize. We occupy ourselves with working to create things of artificial value and then spend our time and energy acquiring them. This is not a bad thing amongst other options for living but when it is the primary reason to while away our lifetimes then it is not a good thing. There must be more balance in the structure of our societies. We need to have as many options to choose from while we are alive to give the true expression of our own humanness a chance to be fulfilled. We are the ones who are holding ourselves back, while certainly there are obstacles to change all around us, ultimately, we can change things from the stagnant status quo. The main problem we face in uniting to change our reality to a more human friendly structure is that we are so beat down from the existing one. It is like that old saying, "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know". A time must come for us to find the purpose within us that will elevate us beyond the safety and security of little to the freedom and challenge of much. I am dissatisfied with the status quo and how it favors few at the expense of the many. Such disproportionate outcomes are not fair to either the few lucky or the many unlucky. We all deserve a life that we can build for ourselves that includes the best we can be for all of us. We have the ability to change our own existence into whatever we would like.

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