Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The importance of knowing our natures (#894)

I will say this again here, we are compassionate and curious. When we are being denied these two natural instincts, other less savory natures replace them. That is who we are. We always need to find our way back our two true natures. I know many of the arguments against my perspective of what and who we are. They give examples of choices made in direct contrast to my concepts. I know this but do the choice makers know? We are not taught to delve into the memories of our innocence after we were born and before we were indoctrinated into our culture, generally. We were born with innocence of curiosity and caring. We wondered, and we needed and expressed care. Our emotions were keen and joyful before we came to realize we were being judged by society. Learned behavior has been our downfall since our society is not based on humanity, it is based on the ruthless competition that has captured our baser instincts, namely competition with each other. We don't celebrate the miracle of our being here in existence, instead we condescend toward those who come up short in the competition. All the generations of humans who have preceded us have not perfected a world where all of our talents and individual uniqueness is the highest priority. We have instead evolved from our early beginnings into a society that values cunning and selfish devotion to an artificial means for bartering. The value of maintaining our true natures is subordinated to lesser values of greed and segregation. It is embarrassing to me to see how friends and family value material things so much that they would turn their minds off to the real pain and suffering around them. Is this our true nature, to turn from humanity and instead embrace the illusion of self-importance manufactured by ego? This post today is to highlight the FACT that we are human and denying our natures as human only devalues and will eventually negate who we really are.

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