Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reality trumps illusion, or so it should (#893)

I have this concept in my head that if I keep a good vibe going, in my head, everything will be okay. How do I know this? I don't, but it is all that I can understand to do. That is an example of feeling helpless about what is going on around me and my way of coping with that reality. Everything that I see and know that is wrong is so overwhelming to me that it is impossible for me to change it. So instead of changing the wrong toward the right, I tell myself that everything will be okay and just keep going about my business. Somehow the better of all our natures will somehow make things right. In the meantime I need to get mine and not worry about whether you get yours. Others in the past have gotten theirs so why should it be any different for me? I have to trust in this system that had worked for my parents because it is what I know. I deserve the same benefits from society that they got. It is much easier for me to live in this illusion that if I just do what has been done before me everything will work out. The reality is that life and times have changed. It is when I look at reality through the truth of it, I see what I can't keep doing. I cannot keep pretending that everything is okay. I have to allow myself to look at the world through today's eyes, not yesterdays. This means that what has happened in the past no longer will be acceptable in the present and future. Things aren't going to be okay until I and everyone else prepare to change the way we do things. It is not easy to recognize change let alone be a part of the change, however, it is what we must do, otherwise we are not living in reality. Here is our society's dilemma in a nutshell, some of us recognize and want to effect change and some of us recognize change but choose instead to ignore it, and put our trust in the illusion.

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