Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When the words will not come (#887)

Every now and then a moment like this is how I start this daily posting. I have no idea about what my subject is and I still don't. However, I type and words keep coming. I suppose the lack of any real good idea shouldn't stop me from talking to you about whatever comes into my mind. Maybe that is the point of all this anyway, just having a conversation about whatever I can think or not think about. This has been my trusty wall to come to and get whatever is off my chest, off my chest. It has grown into something more though, it is my imaginary friend, who is always there waiting for me to post 250 to 300 words or so about anything that has my mind captivated. I started doing this everyday as a way to document my feelings and opinions about how I see the world. The everyday part has been violated twice so far but quickly remedied within a few hours. On day 3 I forget and added two posts on day 4 to make up for day 3 and to fulfill day 4. Then on day 621 I believe, I was so sick that I did not post that day and was horrified to remember the next morning that I had not. I again posted two posts to get myself back some semblance of continuity although it is imperfect it is a true reflection of me. What is interesting at this very second is that I now have a couple of subjects floating around in my head that I could write about today but I would have to clear this post of stream-writing and I do not think I should. It is real and a snapshot of what my mind is doing at this moment. My posts don't always have to make perfect sense although I do try to keep them understandable within the streaming flow of consciousness. It has been very rare where I will get up from the keypad before I have started and finished a post, unless of course to refill the coffee cup or let the cat in or out. I do not string out a post, I write it out in one sitting. A true stream of consciousness writer I am.

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