Monday, August 8, 2011

The good within us (#920)

This is who we are! We are the best of what is inside us. Why does the worse within us exist? Because we were/are denied the best of who we are and that was/is the default position. When we are denied who we are, we are forced to be what we are not. I have said this many times and it is in the header of my blog, when we are denied compassion, curiosity and the natural right to survive, we resort to less honorable traits. So what is the remedy? Let's quit denying each other the natural instincts of our humanness. We can define our society based upon what we should and shouldn't do. It is within our grasp to do so but of course there are those who wish for no change at all because of the current advantages they enjoy. Which is sad since they are human also and yet would rather deny their instinctual nature to fulfill some lusty greed they have come to accept as their own sense of reality. The entire paradigm of human existence is not bound by any external restrictions or boundaries. We do these things to ourselves because of past behaviors of ill consequence. It is natural to defend oneself in such a way that survival has dominance over any other of the two natural instincts, those being care and wonder. Sadly for us we are still in such a dynamic and any thoughts to moving to an enlightened age while still carrying the baggage of selfish thinking will make the best within us much more difficult to cultivate as the true reflection of who we are. We, some of us, have become creatures that resemble humanity less and less as time continues. It is as if the artificiality of society and it's demands have outweighed the importance of defining our own true natures. Instead of becoming wise we are becoming apathetic. We have lost our identities within the chaos of self-inflated egoism. Yet still, the good within us is waiting for it's chance to express what life can truly be like.

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