Friday, November 25, 2011

The better and best of us (#1029)

What is that and what does that mean? Some look at the better and best of us as a proof that we can do anything we want because we see ourselves as right and good. Others see the better and best of us as a goal to achieve, a never ending mission in life. What it really is, is a place of inward reflection. It is a plateau from where to judge ourselves as objectively as possible. From that plateau we can look backwards at what we have done as well as look to the present and see what we are actually doing. What we hope for the future is still at this stage hope but it is worth planning for as a way to go forward. The better and best of us is an ideal we can reflect upon and put into thought and action. The inward part of the better and best of us is contingent upon us knowing who and what we are. If we are still confused about who and what we are then we are only moving forward on our best guesses or worse. This is the purpose of this blog, to point out what I have concluded to be our inward natures and instincts. Certainly anyone can and will disagree with me since none of us can ever totally agree on anything. Yet I have taken my stand on the plateau where I am at and have found my vantage point. I know in what ways and areas where I can improve. I have concluded that compassion and curiosity are the two main instincts/natures we all have and that survival is also a common trait. How can I improve on survival? The ways are endless, but basically take better care of myself. How can I improve on my compassion? Easy, see what is going on around me and help relieve the misery where I can. How can I improve on my curiosity? Easy again, just be open and objective about new ideas and allow for my own beliefs to be challenged.

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