Thursday, November 17, 2011

Doing things right isn't hard, it is fun! (#1021)

Their is no arrogance in doing things right. Not even the old saw about rubbing someone's nose in it, when they are wrong. Doing things right is fun and should be a happy experience, regardless of how others feel about it. For one thing fun is a by-product of an enlightened mind. It isn't something to be looked down upon. Serious things need to have an element of fun attached to them in order to take the seriousness from being a drudgery. It has always been about how we want to feel about our lives. We get to choose what that is. I know we cannot control the day to day interactions we have with each other or the structures of society that must be implemented, however choosing to enjoy our experiences is within our domain. I know that within me is an established choice to be the best good person I can be. To make that happen I have to learn and understand how I can make that happen in a complex world. Such is my ongoing project. But in the process of doing this I am also aware I get to feel what I want to feel about my efforts. I get to decide to enjoy the ride and see what good is being played out or I can remain devoid of emotional perspective and let the river of time flow by me and not have the memories laughter and fun comfort me with. This isn't some magical experience we are living, it is us living it with what we have at our disposal. I always go back to when we were growing up and didn't have "things" like some others and how that made me feel inferior and insecure. Then now when I see the real world and how life itself is treated as garbage for some, I have come to know that everything, whether good or bad has a side to it that I can make better just by my attitude. I am working on that and everyday I get a little closer to really enjoying life despite it's multitude of contradictions.

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