Saturday, November 26, 2011

A misnomer about liberals and religion (#1030)

I get the sense from many conservatives that they think being liberal is godless. I find that humorous in the sense that surely there are many liberals who are atheists, but many are also god-fearing believers. Being liberal is not about having any morals, on the contrary, it is a mindset of freedom to choose one's morals. If one chooses to a life of religiosity they are exercising their right to believe as they see fit. Same with those who choose to see the world without a god. The point being is that being liberal makes no difference in the choice. Liberalism is: "(from the Latin liberalis) is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights."-Wikipedia. I would even take that one step further and say that liberalism is the natural progression of the importance of equality and liberty. Now, for anyone out there who may say that liberals are not principled or that they are lazy worthless users, then they are just factually wrong. I am a liberal and I am proud of it. Not only am I keen to improve my own life but I have a duty to myself to help improve the lives around me. I do not confuse competition with ego or privilege, additionally, I admonish those thoughts and actions which dispel community and selflessness. How the term liberal has been attacked by those who cannot understand what it is to be liberal is shameful and ignorant. Being liberal includes all individualism that wishes to exist. How can a Democratic society ever deny individualism as long as it harms no one? Is it Democracy that others wish to attack and not just the ideal of liberalism? I am not sure since the distinction for labeling liberalism as an unworthy ideal is less clear and does not conform to rational logic. Attack liberalism and you are attacking the foundation upon which America has been built.

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